Dual Citizenship Lithuania
As a member of the European Union, Lithuanian citizenship provides free travel and residence in any other countries that are a part of the EU.
Lithuania permits dual citizenship under limited circumstances. Those meeting at least one of the following requirements are allowed to have Lithuanian dual citizenship:
- You have acquired citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania and citizenship of another state at birth and you have not reached 21 years of age;
- You are a person who had citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before June 15, 1940 or your descendant (child, grandchild or great-grandchild), who were forcibly expelled from Lithuania by decisions of institutions or courts of occupation regimes in the period from June 15, 1940 to March 11, 1990 for reasons of resistance to occupation regimes, political or social reasons or reasons of origin and acquired citizenship of another state;
- You are a person who had citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before June 15, 1940 or your descendant (child, grandchild or great-grandchild), who left the current territory of the Republic of Lithuania before March 11, 1990 to reside permanently in another state, if their permanent residence on March 11, 1990 was outside Lithuania and acquired citizenship of another state;
- You are a descendant of a person referred to in subparagraph 2 or 3;
- By virtue of marriage to a citizen of another state you have ipso facto acquired citizenship of that state;
- You are a person under 21 years of age, provided you were adopted by citizens (citizen) of the Republic of Lithuania before reaching 18 years of age and, as a result of the adoption, acquired citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania pursuant;
- You are a person under 21 years of age, provided you, being a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, were adopted by citizens (citizen) of another state before reaching 18 years of age and, as a result of the adoption, acquired citizenship of that state;
- You have acquired citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania by way of exception while being a citizen of another state;
- You have acquired citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania while having refugee status in the Republic of Lithuania.
If you would like more information about Lithuania citizenship, please contact us.