Dual Citizenship Albania
Albanian citizenship is primarily based upon the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood). Albania has permitted dual citizenship since 1992.

Albanian citizenship is primarily based upon the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood). Albania has permitted dual citizenship since 1992.
A child acquires Albanian citizenship by birth in the following instances:
1. at birth, both parents are Albanian nationals;
2. at birth, one parent is an Albanian national and the child is born in the territory of the Republic of Albania;
3. the child is born outside the territory of the Republic of Albania and one of the parents is an Albanian national, and the other parent has an unknown citizenship or is stateless;
4. the child is born outside the territory of the Republic of Albania and one of the parents is an Albanian national, and the other parent has another citizenship, but both parents agree that the child will have Albanian citizenship.
Additionally, a child born or found within the territory of the Republic of Albania is granted Albanian citizenship if he is born by unknown parents and as a result, the child may become stateless.
Also, a child born within the territory of the Republic of Albania by parents having another citizenship who are legally residing in the Republic of Albania, may acquire Albanian citizenship by the consent of both parents.
In order to apply for Albanian citizenship by naturalization, you must meet the following requirements:
1. be at least 18 years of age;
2. have lawfully resided in the territory of the Republic of Albania for at least 5 years;
3. have accommodation and sufficient financial means;
4. not be penally prosecuted in one's own country or in the Republic of Albania for penal crimes charged with more than 3 years of imprisonment;
5. have basic knowledge of the Albanian language;
6. granting of Albanian citizenship would not hinder the security and defense of the Republic of Albania;
7. Foreigners who are at least 18 years of age may acquire Albanian citizenship even without compliance of the above requirements (except for line 6) if the Republic of Albania has a scientific, economic, cultural or national interest in such a person. If the person is statement, the requirements set forth in lines 1, 3, 4 and 5 may be disregarded;
If a foreigner can prove that he is of Albanian origin from at least one parent up to the second generation, the residence requirement in line 2 is reduced from 5 years to 3 years. All other requirements remain unchanged.
Foreigners married to an Albanian citizen for at least 3 years may apply for Albanian citizenship by naturalization without meeting the requirements of lines 2 and 5. He or she must have resided legally and uninterruptedly in the territory of the Republic of Albania for at least 1 year.
If both parents of a minor child under 18 years of age are naturalized as Albanian citizens, the child may become an Albanian citizen upon request of both parents. If the minor child is between 14 and 18 years of age, consent of the child is also required.
If one parent of a minor child under 18 years of age is naturalized as an Albanian citizen and the child resides in the Republic of Albania, the child may become an Albanian citizen upon the request of both parents.
If both parents of Albanian nationality adopt a child who has another citizenship or is stateless, the child is granted Albanian citizenship.
Even if only one parent is of Albanian nationality, if the parents reside in the territory of the Republic of Albania at the moment of adoption, the adopted child is granted Albanian citizenship.
In any other case when the adopted child risks remaining stateless, the child is granted Albanian citizenship.